​​​​​​​​​​St. John's
United Church
of Christ
1520 N. McAree Rd.
Waukegan, IL 60085
(847) 662-6151

No Matter Who You Are
Or Where You Are On Life's Journey,
You're Welcome Here.
Church Schedule
10 am Worship & Holy
Rev. Selena L. Blackwell,
preaching and presiding
Holy Communion
at St. John's
is open to all
Fellowship Hour
- 11:30 Sundays
(after worship service)
Adult Bible Study
- 10 a.m. Tuesdays
Holy Communion
– Every Sunday
and Festivals
Worship is at the heart of what we do.
We gather each week at 10:00 Sunday Morning,
and at other announced special times
to sing praise, to gather in fellowship,
to hear God's word, to think about the lessons,
to celebrate the Sacraments of Holy Communion
and Baptism.
We gather at other times to witness Marriages,
and to bid farewell during Funerals.
Worship is at the heart of what we do.
Sunday Morning
The center of our life together at St. John's UCC is our 10 a.m. worship service each Sunday morning. We sing hymns. We recite prayers new and familiar. We hear the lessons of Scripture, a message from the Pastor, and celebrate Holy Communion. There are many opportunities for you to participate The service is traditional, but not formal...come as you are! Children are always welcomed.
Please click here for a special welcome for Children.
Please note that our building is fully accessible for those in wheelchairs, including the altar. We also project the words for hymns and prayers onto a screen during church for those with visual impairment, and do offer sound amplification for those with hearing impairment.
Sacrament of Holy Communion
St. John's currently celebrates Holy Communion every Sunday. All persons present are welcome to receive Communion: "No matter who you are, where you are on life's journey, or whom you love you are welcome at Christ's table for Christ is our host." There is no minimum age for children, who may receive communion at the discretion of their parents in consultation with the Pastor. Communion preparation for children is offered as needed. A variety of forms of distribution of Communion are used throughout the year.
Sacrament of Baptism
We are pleased to offer Baptism to persons of any age who wish to take this first step in their Christian journey. Parents may bring their infants and children, and persons of age to decide for themselves to be Baptized are invited. Baptisms are scheduled as needed, and a preparation meeting with the Pastor is required.
For those already Baptized as infants, we offer the opportunity for young people to take responsibility for their own faith life through a program of faith exploration and service, culminating in Confirmation. For more information, please be in touch with the Pastor. The Confirmation program usually runs from September to May, but adaptations are possible.
Reception of New Members
For those who are coming from other UCC congregations, or other denominations, or no tradition or other church at all, we offer Membership. All persons are invited to participate in the life of the congregation without benefit of Membership, however, serving as an officer or voting at meetings of the Congregation is restricted to Members. Becoming a Member is considered another step in your Christian journey.
Those preparing for Baptism, Confirmation, or Membership will occasionally meet together during their journey. Please speak to the Pastor directly regarding Membership.
Please see the separate page above for information about getting married at St. John's.
Funerals and Memorial Services
St. John's stands ready to assist in any way necessary at the time of death of a loved one. Please contact the church or the Pastor as soon as possible to schedule a funeral or memorial service at the church, or for the Pastor to come at the time of death. We can provide a lunch or other refreshments following the service. We do offer the possibility of internment of ashes in our Memorial Garden. Membership is not required for any of this.
Special Services
As need arises, we offer special worship services and opportunities for unique worship throughout the year. These special worship services include celebrations and observations throughout the church year, e.g., Hanging of the Greens, and Maundy Thursday Service of Holy Communion and Tenebrae. We also engage in prayer vigils and other worship opportunities in response to major events in the life of the community, our nation, and our world.
St. John's is a Safe Place for LGBTQQIA+ groups to meet for recreation,
study, or
just hanging out.
Call for more