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Serving Christ and the Church through Service


Below are some of the ways our congregation serve the church. Membership is not required to serve on most of these ministry teams, and many of the ministry teams are on an ad hoc basis.


Spiritual Life Ministry  


The Spiritual Life Ministry is responsible for the support and encouragement of the worship life of the church.  The Ministry nurtures and educates, individually and collectively, the human spirit and provides opportunities for interaction and relating with one another and God.  The following teams will be part of the Spiritual Life Ministry.


Worship Team: This team is responsible for planning all aspects of the worship service including communion, music, flowers and other decorations, lectors, sound system monitors and ushers, acolytes, greeters and fellowship hour.


Christian Education Team: The Christian Education team supervises and directs the educational work of the church and seeks to interest and provide guidance to men and women in Christian service and studies.  The team is responsible for planning and coordinating Sunday School, Youth Fellowships, Confirmation classes, Adult Sharing and Vacation Bible School.


Pastoral Care Team: The Pastoral Care Team works with the Pastor to support members and their families, encouraging individuals to care for one another by developing ways to respond to the pastoral care of the congregation.


Resources Ministry


The Resources Ministry guides the Membership in the management of their time, talents, health, property, relationships and the gospel given to us by God.


Financial Team:  This team coordinates, develops and presents the annual budget to the Council and the Members for approval.  They monitor all expenditures of the church funds to assure expenditures are within the approved budget, and make recommendations to the Council regarding budget adjustments. The Team is also responsible for accurate accounting of all funds received by the Church.


Stewardship Team: This Team is responsible to conduct the annual pledge campaign, solicit funds to support church benevolences, and plan and execute other debt reductions and monetary campaigns as needed.


Endowment Team:  This team is responsible for the oversight and administration of all trusts, investments, legacies, devices, annuities or other non-monetary donations to St. John’s UCC.


Memorial Fund/Bequests Team:  This team is responsible to receive and disburse gifts received in memory of persons whose family and friends contribute money of property as undesignated or designated gifts.


Evangelism Team:  The purpose of the Evangelism Ministry is to reach out with the Gospel to the community and others who are involved in the Church’s mission throughout the country and the world, by planning and coordinating community outreach programs and membership development.


Mission Team:  This team is responsible to respond to groups that approach the church.  In addition it is responsible to keep in contact with the Association, Conference and National Offices.


Membership Development Team:  This team is responsible to interact with visitors, obtain information for written response by Pastor and team representative.


Building and Grounds Ministry


The Building and Grounds Ministry is responsible for the purchase, repair, and upkeep of all facilities, properties, equipment, and furnishings owned by St. John’s UCC.  Also for negotiating, implementing and overseeing all contracts such as lawn service and snow removal. 


Pastor-Parish Relations Ministry  


The Pastor-Parish Relations Ministry works closely with the Pastor and the congregation to achieve and maintain a creative, effective and vital relationship between them. It provides meaningful feedback from the congregation to the minister and interprets to the congregation the Pastor’s role in providing a vital ministry in today’s world.

St. John's is a Safe Place for LGBTQQIA+ groups to meet for recreation,

study, or

just hanging out. 


Call for more


© 2018 St. John's United Church of Christ, Waukegan, IL

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