​​​​​​​​​​St. John's
United Church
of Christ
1520 N. McAree Rd.
Waukegan, IL 60085
(847) 662-6151

No Matter Who You Are
Or Where You Are On Life's Journey,
You're Welcome Here.
Church Schedule
10 am Worship & Holy
Rev. Selena L. Blackwell,
preaching and presiding
Holy Communion
at St. John's
is open to all
Fellowship Hour
- 11:30 Sundays
(after worship service)
Adult Bible Study
- 10 a.m. Tuesdays
Holy Communion
– Every Sunday
and Festivals
Please join us for Worship
each Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m.
Holy Communion
is offered weekly, and on
church festivals,
and all are welcome.
There is ample parking.
We are a fully accessible building.
Sunday School and Nursery Care
are available.
Children are always welcome.
We are a Safe Church.
If you are looking
for a church ,
with traditional worship,
progressive theology,
a heart for service,
and a mind for inquiry,
you are welcome here.
IWe are an Open & Affirming Congregation
of the United Church of Christ.
The Rev. Selena L. Blackwell, OCC

St. John's is a Safe Place for LGBTQQIA+ groups to meet for recreation,
study, or
just hanging out.
Call for more